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*:♥ 私の日記帳 ♥:*
May 9, 2010

It seems like my blog was dead for quite a while. haha. When u r busy, u gets lazy even to think of something to blog and u will end up preferring to rot in front of comp playing fb when u r free.

Time to have lots of sleep... after all the exams and buyo workshop. =)


February 28, 2010

What should u do if someone ignores ur apology becos u apologise for the wrong thg and then when u apologise again, this time for the correct thg, the person refuses to accept it?

You know it's not ez to acknowledge ur own mistakes and to even apologise for it. R u denying my apologies becos i apologise too easily this time? When u're tired, natural instincts tell u that u need to sleep. But i deny my own instinct to hear more from u, and this is what i get?

It's soo unfair....
February 27, 2010

The wrongly scheduled recess week is putting a toll on me! During this recess week, everything is not in full swing yet and u r not totally sure what u need to do. Recess week is supposed to be the time when u prepare for ur mid-terms. Now it's like mid-terms and deadlines approaching! There are 2 projects which i havent started on. 7 more labs!

Not busy alr lazy to blog le. Like wad yl says, my blog alr update once every month. Now, I wonder, when will my next blog session be? lol.

Despite being bz and stuffs, I m contended with what i have now. 君があるから。

February 18, 2010

maybe i do work better alone. So perhaps it will be better if i m left alone.
January 3, 2010

I realise i haven't blog for quite time. lol.

Anyway, now is 2010! New year resolution. The same old things lo.
Good results, r/s with ppl - frenship, kinship, etc, leveling up my jap lang, learn guitar, have fun!

In just one sentence, "To enjoy every single day and everything i do!"

Somehow it is a year i feared slightly. Cos i m turning 21, which means most of my frens are turning 21. Does this mean that it will burn a super big hole in my pocket? lol.
December 21, 2009

I need to keep a close watch on my finances. Dead!

This whole week i m gg out, i wonder if there is any way that i could cut down on my expenses. hais.

Pay no heed, cos wad matters most is what i think.

December 18, 2009

I realise i have been so lazy to blog. haha.

Anw, something super random. I finally found out the reason b4 my lappie lagging when i watch HD vids on youtube or play flash game. The reason being: My lappie is always on powersaver mode, regardless on battery or ac mode. I nearly wanted to reformat my lappie lo. ONE YEAR of possessing this lappie and it's only today then i found out just chging the mode helps alot!!! Now it doesnt lag alr! I am saved by this random conversation of talking about lappie with my fren. wahahaha.

This hols, i had my fair share of nuaing, stoning, loitering, shopping, anime-ing, drama-ing (actually only liar game up till now), bonding with momo-chan, studying bits of nihongo and bonding with my lovely frens and also with 君. Oh yarrr, my first encounter with meteors. One word, COOL! Thanks to yl's brilliant idea. (Initially i was really too lazy to go out and really tot it's not possible to be able to see... Oops.. It's not supposed to be said out.)

But now thinking back wad i have done for the past few weeks, i haven't really done much. I think, i did nua too much. Really doing practically nth. Just walk here and there with nth much in mind wad i wan to do. Procrastination is really becoming part of me (actually it alr was =X)
December 2, 2009


Time to enjoy~~~
November 2, 2009

当你感到无奈时, 会做些什么呢? 这样说似乎有点自相矛盾, 因为无奈的主要来源之一是束手无策. 我们都知道当某些事无可奈何的时候, 能做的只是叹气, 接受现状. 既然事情已演变到此地步, 况且有些事包括友谊在内,是强求不来的, 我只好默默接受吧. 为此事而郁闷, 烦躁, 应该有个限度吧. 也许我过于敏感了. 我想我也是累了.
October 17, 2009

Yay!!!! Performance ended! 楽しい!

And thanks to the cameraman! お疲れ様でした=)

Time to list down how many thgs undone=(