我怎么可以这样地献丑,在公共场所,在陌生人的面前, 怎么可以?制止不了的情绪,夺眶而出的泪水,怎么可以这么轻易地涌出来?连善心募捐的人都向我道歉,他根本没做错什么,也许有吧,那就是接洽错的对象, 而且阻止不想停下脚步的我。你的善心之言找错了对象, 不但如此还激发了我压抑已久的情绪, 因为当时掠过我的脑海的竟是一些我尝试不去理会的事。为什么我唯一能说的就只是对不起。为什么无法控制自己的情绪。
Pardon me if i m moody at times. I think awhile later shld be okay ler. I think its this period of time bah. When i m moody, i tend to be grumpy, easily frustrated,whiney or just stony. Stony-ness as seen obviously from today's mle tutorial. I m definitely not a free rider! Being arrowed just racks my nerve.
The storm is due to low EQ on both parties? Is there any way that can raise a person's EQ? Rarrrrr. Anythg just dun involve or drag me in. There's a limit to what my ears can withstand. If there is a need, i will just buy a good pair of ear plug.
On the other hand, showered with plenty of sweets and chocolates, an evil pok is obviously trying to stuff me with calories and fattening me up! haha. Somethg to keep me smiling amidst all de other irritating stuffs:)