I sense a storm brewing and i m not certain how hard this storm will hit when it comes. I shant interfere and it's not up to me to decide or do anythg. My stand on it is, "If things are not within my control, I shall let nature takes it flow." I wonder... Am i too carefree over this issue?
"Expect the worse and pray for the best" :) Thanks for always hearing me complain abt stuffs! lol.
The bz period is starting or rather has started and i also dunno wad else to blog for the current period. Hmmm.. So for now, perhaps i will let my blog haf a rest until the mood to blog actually comes back.
-6 feb-
It's the start:)
Any thing I posted on 2 feb only applies to that day itself. Perhaps it was just the monday blues... haha.
Thanks for the assurance u gave me. I appreciate it alot!:)
~I will give faith a fighting chance and... given a choice, i will dance~
不安不知何时涌现, 一直扰乱我的思路, 像顽固的坏小孩一样怎么甩也甩不开. 我觉得现在所感受到的一切很不踏实, 犹如稍纵即逝的云朵, 不知随时会消失得不见踪影. 我收到我好友今天传来的简讯.我知道她因最近发生的事而闷闷不乐, 一直无法敞开心胸痛快地笑. 她告诉我, "我想要松手忘记, 可是很难办得到. 我希望我根本就没谈这场恋爱. 放手的确很痛苦." 虽然我一向都是个乐观主义者,会一直鼓励受挫的朋友们像我一样乐观处事, 可是有时侯我会停顿下来, 脑海里突然浮现各种想法, 悲观乐观, 一切搀杂在一起. 2008 年所发生的一切像录像机一样, 再一次地重播. 我知道当人类得到了, 就会很害怕失去, 我相信自己也是其中之一. 要怎样才能摆脱这不安? 是不是应该暂时后退几步?