未来会发生的事, 无人能知晓。 可是这不能成为不努力, 得过且过的借口。 未来靠自己创造, 幸福由自己争取,成功靠自己打拼,虽然如此, 人却不是孤独寂寞的。 我相信最后一句话不需要我多加解释吧。朋友及亲人的存在就能诠释一切了。
我的人生开启了新的一页, 而且是没先例可循的哦。算是“菜鸟”吧。 哈哈。让我们携手打造属于我们的未来。:)
h@nY Y@>| 要倒过来看哦。。。
Happy belated 2009! It's been a while since I blogged and there are people cui-ing me to blog alr. haha. This is my first entry of de year 2009. Hmm... what shall i blog about? It's not that there's nth in my life to blog about, just that wer shld i start from? haha.
It's semester 2 alr. 1 sem has swept by just likedat. First thg that comes to my mind is what comes to everyone's mind. To work harder! First week of sch should be a honeymoon week but yet it was kinda bz for me. CLP 2000 words essay, construction seminar, scholarship fair, esesc welfare stuffs like grad dinner and games day and lastly the start of my jap lessons! But well, 1st week is over alr but that doesnt mean that i can slack throughout de sem le. Clp, grad dinner, my '6th module' Jap:)and nihon buyo (jap dance), on top of studies. I have set my targeted cap. High so that even if i cant reach the sky, as least i can land on the clouds. I cant let my sponsor company down.
生活确实有了些改变. 虽然已接受与心领了, 但要再给我一点时间, 让我解决心中所残留的牵挂.不足之处要包容哦!