2008 hasn't been smooth sailing for me. I have even resented(abhorred or whatever term u wan to use) this year at some point in time. I wanted 2008 to pass quickly but i know that it's impossible and I just running away from the harsh reality.
经历了一波又一波的考验,我确实坚强了。可是这并不是轻而易举地熬过来的。当我觉得我已受够了,是该尝点甜头时,多一件事会浮现,扰乱我原以为平静的日子。人们不是常说苦尽甘来吗? 面对接踵而来的考验,我常在想,我该怎样攀爬, 越过这似万里长城般的高墙。精神上,心理上,心灵上的考验,有时让我分不清现实与梦境,因为偶尔我会想,这件事怎会发生在我身上。
差点就要闹上MOM(Hearing the name is just scary enough),看着朋友无辜地被冤枉而停职,和朋友的纠纷而差点闹地不欢而散,因莫些事而愤愤不平与不甘心,感情事不慎的处理,妈妈的健康亮起了红灯,自己的健康也好不到哪里去,与友谊和陌生人这两岸徘徊着,接下来那晴天霹雳的成绩单而无法满足最低需求。有时我会想,我真的那么好欺负吗? 命运在捉弄我吗, 上天在跟我开玩笑对吧?泪库的容量是有限的。被这些不愉快与承重的过去拖累着,我该怎么向往2009,这新的一年?
可是悲观这个字眼一向都不属于我。我要感激陪我度过种种难关的朋友, 没有你们,现在的我是否会自暴自弃?哈哈。我稍把事夸大了,不会那么严重吧?不管怎么说,我是个有理智的人嘛!看过我失去矜持冷静,差点就变得不可理喻的人, 是否觉得我很恐怖呢?显现出我的另一面,我自己也感到paiseh.真是羞羞。 不要躲避我好吗? 毕竟我才19岁,对人世间的一切还不了解,所以要多体谅哦。(哈哈,我借此原谅我自己。)常言道,在学会疼惜或爱别人之前,必须先懂得爱惜自己,不是吗?
在此,我为二零零八年画上句号。憧憬着更美好的未来^^ I am looking forward to more fun filled uni days with all of u!(我忘了说,很开心认识你们!) Lets put our hands together and countdown for 2009!

Camwarriors stay-over success! The camwarriors' therapy does work. My job also started le and weekends start to have different meaning for me again. Today's fri. Rest day sure is good. haha.
破碎的友谊要怎样修复, 也许时间是最佳的良药. 回想起来, 我的举止行为实在可笑, 让我领悟这一点的人使我觉得自己确实是愚蠢的, 因为我问了不经三思的问题, 是那些你未必会得到真心答复的问题. 只要愿意放下,处事的方式会有所改变. 我明白了.
Someone was trying to tempt me with bak kwa when my house is just left with pathetic random tidbits. haha. I shall not waste his nice description of bak kwa.. too bad i din manage to capture down his commercial on video. One of my fav food is also bak kwa too lor. Buy bak kwa myself seems to be a little funny when it is more supposed to be like a gift from others. haha.
jason/guowei says:
my bak kwa is like a combination of sweet and savoury all mixed in one
jason/guowei says:
with the juicy succulent meat grinding against my teeth
jason/guowei says:
and with every bite, the taste just lingers onto every portion of my tastebud
Can go and 打广告 le hor? haha.
Exams are over ytd! Finally. haha.
I shall post this lyrics up.
-Namida- by 2Backka of "Skip Beat!" anime
No matter how many thousands of times I've cried
I'll always get over it
I can't act stupid to escape it
That kind of situation, you understand, right?
Now it's the last time, the last chance
Even if it fails, don't be scared
Being sad or depressed
Or having loved, there'll be a day
When you're cured
In those days when things don't go according to plan
The feeling of being deceived
It's like something being broken
The tears begin overflowing
It's impossible to be unaffected
It's impossible to show a frank face
If I'm always avoiding it
Thinking about it even now I won't stop
It's not finished
It can't be finished
Nothing has even started
The answer hasn't been received
I can't give up
I haven't even felt the significance, meaning and happiness of my existence
Something anyone needs
I'm waiting for my tomorrow
Stepping over those crying over and over days
I'll become strong
I shouldn't pretend to be stupid to escape it
That kind of situation, you understand, right?
Being put down many thousands times
I'll always get over it
Your voice will arrive, right?
No matter where
It will be heard immediately.
I like songs with meaningful lyrics.
Dakara akiramete nai:) (So don't give up!)