July 26, 2008
Oops.. I realise i forgot to mention about my og name. It's ice cream. But anyway a name is just a title and i like my og alot. They are very ON de. haha. Esp when i get to know more env engin ppl thru it. Still got an ah kor who will purposely let me win minesweeper and still claim that i won bcos i m pro. lol. And a buddy who will go and look out for cute guys perhaps in sci fac with me. haha. Steady hor. Both of them are env engin or ESE de. hee.
现在我对'苦尽甘来'或'雨后春笋'这些成语或许有了更深一层的体会. 人生不会一直处于低潮的, 而这一点对于经过亲身体验的我让我无法不同意这说法. 人生确实是有了小小的改变, 但不至于是个转捩点. 以前我无法感受到的一些许东西, 我现在感受到了一些些, 甚至让我感到有一点内疚. 无可否认的就是, 人心不足蛇吞象. 对于我在过程中所忽略的一些人, 在此想表示一下我的歉意.
July 25, 2008
I will try my best for the interview and not throw my own sponsor's face :) Must do homework liaoo.
Anyway since yh got mention in my tag, i shall type it in jap haha.. with the help of the window's jap lang bar. 君わ私の特別の人。永遠。。。 Haha. Not that difficult to understand hor. Anyway its just a random jap sentence i formed. Not meant for any gossips. lol.
July 22, 2008
School is starting real soon. haha. Getting more and more excited liao. Last time uni life seems soo far away and the word 'uni' just sounds very scary. But now, i just think that campus life will be full of fun and crazy days, but also cannot neglect de studies la. Uni is like de last phase of education, so must make de best out of it. My pre-uni life which is the Chess camp i went to, made me look forward to uni more. haha. Don't waste my time! This is very serious. Need to call in police liao. - insider joke. lol. Lazy to upload photos. haha.
Kimi wa watashi no tokubetsu no hito. Eien.... If i type this, very few ppl will know what it means, but when i type it in jap, i guess ppl who knows chinese will understand this sentence due to the kanji. haha. I wan to learn jap.
July 19, 2008
I m back for camp! Had loads of fun. Still tired cos for the 3 nites i only had like 13 hours of sleep.
Main highlights like most uni camps:
Secret pal game
(Din manage to talk much to my SP)Amazing race (aka city hunt)
but more of like learning the heritages of sgFright nite
(Abit too short but its de first fright nite i experienced in camp) Sentosa games
(which i missed like 1/3 of de games)Station games
Do somethg
to the seniors (which i think is quite evil de) esp guy freshies to guy seniors to get more pointsDXO
(Not all camps have clubbing)Pageant
(which i suay suay kanna)Learning how to play super lame games
(like MRT, black magic, how many meh meh,etc)Doing cheers
that are super high and qian bianWatching ppl do very embarrassing forfeits
that will make ppl xiang Y Y deMost importantly, my og won the best og title! haha. We very on de k. Action no. 5: Don't waste my time!
July 14, 2008
Yay. My camp is tml all the way to fri. haha. Hope it will be loads of fun!
July 12, 2008
Hokkaido fair was okay i guess. Even though i spent ard 30 (luckily i spent within my expected range), yh spent even more. lol. So i m not considered as a splurger. Bought some food dat i rarely see, like dango, sakura mochi, seasoned squid and manju(I dunno if its also dorayaki lol) I expected de fair to be a larger scale one but i m satisfied with de fact that they hire japanese to make de food. haha.
Today dunno why when i switched on my phone, even after waiting for very long, it is stil searching for reception. And i dunno if de fault lies with my phone or sim card. When my patience ran out, i decided to insert my sim card into my old phone. Then finally it worked. Bcos my stupid sony ericsson phone (de newer one) conked out so many times, causing my phone info to be lost each time, i also lost de info in the calender (like bday, anniversary and stuffs, so dun blame me if i forget anyone's bday). But my old phone still have those info left though not the most updated one. After i set the time and date, i decided to check out the calender to see if anyone's bday is approaching. Then i saw that there is an event on 13 july(which is tml) den i realised it is my guinea pig (Cookie)'s 1st year death anniversary. How come so qiao de. I was so surprised. If my sony phone dun have the reception prob, i wun even use my old phone den i might have just forgotten abt this date. Sometimes i just feel dat coincidence is a very mysterious(maybe eerie) phenomenon. It might just be a coincidence, but sometimes things just happen too coincidentally. Maybe its just like wad xxxholic's yuuko always say, 'There is no coincidence in this world, only inevitability.'
Nus engin rag team is organising a grand production on Nus rag day and the theme is Neo Classical Japanese,something that is much seen from the popular amines such as Samurai champloo and Naruto. haha. Nana, I take back the words that i said previously about supporting u more den my own fac. The theme is anime-related, how can i not support them! haha. Go engin fac!
사랑이 전부인 나는 여자이니까 :)
July 8, 2008
I finally finished watching the 20 episodes of 'Devil Beside You'. All the episodes are just so full of emotions and for me, i think there are no boring or unnecessary stuffs in the drama. Sometimes i just kind of feel that rainie yang and mike he are too engrossed in the acting of the drama. haha. I heard that de drama follows the manga 'Akuma De Sourou' pretty closely and this makes me tempted to read de manga but i shall watch 'Why Why Love' first which is acted by the same group of casts. The 3 leads of 'Devil Beside You' : Rainie Yang, Mike He and Wang Chuan Yi. haha.
My camp is approaching liao. Looking forward to it esp after nana said how fun hers was. lol.
July 7, 2008
Those who want to join in the ChESS tertiary party may do so. haha.
Extracted from the blog:
Hey guys! The FWC committee is organising a Tertiary Party during the loooong holidays! We welcome each and every tertiary student and their friends (so long as they are above 18) to join in the fun! Here are the details:
Date: 17 July 2008 (Thursday)
Time: 8pm till late
Venue: DXO @ The Esplanade
Ticket Price: $12 (presale), $15 (doorsale)
Dress code: smart casual
This the chance to club with FELLOW LIKE-MINDED individuals from the tertiary institutions! Each ticket comes with one free drink. Special concoction is available for redemption. Free
TRAVEL VOUCHERS for some lucky participants!
July 6, 2008

I am so glad i started watching taiwan dramas again, after so many months of being glued to jap dramas. And i have chosen 'Devil beside you' which was aired in 2005. It's just a super sweet drama, those that u can really feel de feelings dat they have for each other, not like some dramas in which the feelings are just on de surface nia. The thoughts, the actions and the behaviours really reflects what ppl in love really feels and it allows the audiences to feel that too. 看了每一集后总会给人留下一种'甜滋滋' 的感觉,让心在那一杀那暖和了许多. 一位外表看似凶狠,言行举止并不温柔的人配上一位纯真无邪, 相信世上没有真正恶毒的人; 就有如魔鬼和天使天衣无缝的配对. 哈哈. Dramas always like to emphasise the phrase 'Opposite attracts'. lol.
I was searching for stuffs related to the drama den found this webby. haha.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/qtiecrazy/ Specifically for gals or fanatics. Or ppl like me. lol.
Today's skipping challenge cum charity kind of didn't proceed smoothly. It didn't go along with what was originally planned. I was looking forward to it lor. Cos i tot i could skip to my heart's content. Partly was bcos of the unexpected rain and partly, the inadequate wet weather planning. They had to delay and den cut short de programs. We skipped less den 30 secs den the mc started annoucing dat they had attained the target of 2million skips. lol. They alr had a figure in mind liao. I think the warm-up was more tiring den de main program which was supposed to be de skipping part. hais.
Ytd was the last day of my work liao. In a flash, 2 months have passed. The colleagues were really really nice to me. They ordered sakae sushi ( I think its de party set), canadian pizzas and gave me farewell gift too. Guess wads inside. There are notebooks, thumbdrive (omg!) and post-it, those really essential stuffs for uni. Of cos i m not so mean. I made somethg for them too. I m glad they like it. They were like, 'Oh, it's so cute' , 'u r quite creative'. haha. But not the total credit goes to me la. Its a mini bottle with mini stars, mini msg and glitters. My fingers nearly cramped when folding the stars. Sounds familiar to u mah? This idea actually originated from nana, the cute little bottle she gave during vday. haha. So credits to nana.