June 30, 2008
말을 하지그랬어
내가 싧어졌다고
눈치가 없는 난
늘보채기 만했어
I dunno if the spacing between expressions is correct cos it's i typed out de.
Anyway i agree with this phrase alot.
If things went the way which this phrase has wanted it to happen,
then perhaps everythg will be less complicated and more easily solved.
June 28, 2008
今天我听到一则劲爆的八卦喔. 好啦, 不算是八卦, 只是一则值得开心的好消息. 可惜这则消息不包括我, 但我还是替她感到欣喜若狂. 千万不要因为你的不安, 你那悲观看待事情的态度而让你退缩, 不敢往前踏一步. 我是挺你的哦, 所以你最好常常让我听到有趣的故事. 那有如连续剧般的虚拟与幻想的情景活生生地在我面前呈现. 我现在看到的是与以往不同的你, 而我相信这改变是有利无弊的. 我不会把自己不是很愉快的过去变成你未来所要承担的累赘. 你是你, 我是我, 观事;处事的态度当然与我截然不同所以处境当然也不一样. 我不会危言耸听, 也不会给予不必要的忠告, 因为反而会弄巧成拙. 年轻人嘛, 天下要靠自己去闯, 经验自己去累积, 才会从中获得真正的体验. 啊, 我好像把事情扩大了一点, 没办法, 只要一运用到我最热爱的华语, 就会一发不可收拾. 难道我已染上'语瘾'了吗? 哈.
Add-on : Hmm.. I got some feedback wor. Don't think of it that complicated k. ^Sy, ur interpretation of this is quite interesting. Must have watched too many dramas ler. 我相信当事人会明白的 :) 这只是纯粹地在为她打气. 真是的... 哈哈.
June 27, 2008
Ytd was one of the perm staffs' last day. She was leaving the company in pursuit of further study and the mini farewell party that the other staffs have held for her was nostalgic. It reminded me of the time we graduated from vjc and stepped down from the band. But it wasnt those totally sad-cry stuffs for the farewell party. Now I know what makes adults different from teens of my age. Besides thanking her and those usual stuffs, they also allowed her to have the last chance to show her expertise. I forgot to mention, she is an L&D HR officer. It means she is in charge of the learning and development of the staffs. And regarding the way she was 'forced' to show her expertise, well, she was given a box which contained, hmms... She was supposed to teach everyone how to use them and to wear them. But then, they forgot there is someone who is not 21 yet. haha. I m the only temp staff there. She got a female model which is one of the managers there to demostrate how to wear a night gown and a male model to demo under which situation is 'that' used. 'That' being the other thing which comes tgt in the box. They were quite open about stuffs like dat. The position of how the male and female models stand looked awfully wrong. No wonder the day b4 ytd, someone brought and inflated 'that' and ended up causing an uproar among the staffs esp the female staffs. lol. So they actually bought those as a gift to her. Somethg they deem as useful. haha.
June 23, 2008
If u dun intend to trust me from the start, then dun even bother asking. Bcoz no matter what kind of responses i give, u won't be satisfied and it will only make me pissed. Doubting my responses show how much distrust u have in me even though u have watched me for 19 years. I guess my taps are malfunctioning this year. lol. I have never lost so much control over them.
June 22, 2008
人不可冒相, 海水不可斗量, 这是我猜我猜我猜猜猜的常用词. 不仅如此, '人不可冒相'在戏剧里出现的次数频繁. 就像我现在所观看的一个日本连续剧, 一位表面斯文的男生,居然会对同居的女友施用暴力. 还有另一个例子, 一位看来交流宽阔的人, 真实的他却是孤僻的, 对任何人都无法敞开心胸, 对于自己的生活守口如瓶. 我知道要了解一个人不简单, 可是我从未想过自己对人的判断能力, 看人的功夫竟然是那么逊! 到底是从何时刻流落到此地步, 我也不晓得. 算了, 世事难于预料, 人算不如天算, 多想只不过是白费心机. 做人嘛, 过一天算一天, 也未必是一件坏事.

This is the jap drama that i have mentioned earlier. From the picture, it looks like a complicated show right. This plot is unique and has a higher level of maturity than most dramas do. Some parts of de drama are kind of depressing too. It reflects the cruel and harsh reality that i think is abit too much for me to handle, maybe becoz i havent reach that stage of maturity yet. To put the plot simply, it is a drama abt DV(Domestic violence) and forbidden love? The theme song sung by utada hikaru fits de drama perfectly. The title of the song is called "Prisoner of love". Currently watching it, but taking de drama slowly. Myabe i need to digest what is happening on dat ep b4 going on to the next ep? So if u wan somethg different, watch "Last Friends".
Oh yar. B4 I forget. Shaolin shoujo is not really worth watching. Even though i m a jap freak, but i know how to differentiate between nice and not really nice ones. The plot is ridiculously weak and i think the movie is more of a comedy ba. Overuse of CG and martial arts scenes arent all that wow esp if u have watched alot of hk shows such as jackie chan and jet li ones. Some parts are quite illogical and totaLly random. The interesting part abt this movie is dat there are 3 kinds of languages; chinese, jap and canto. Lol.
June 12, 2008
Last time in my days in vjc, the bus that i always wanted to complain abt is 55. Even during peak period, u stil need to wait for 20 mins to get on de bus and no guarantee that u will be able to get on though. Now i really wan to complain abt 27. Going to and fro from work isnt easy at all even though this is a direct bus to my workplace. SBS should know that 27 is a bus service highly in demand for ppl staying in sk and hougang to travel to sch and work. Even though de bus frequency is acceptable, but u can see 3 bus drives by ur stop and none of them stops bcoz they are all PACKED all the way to de front door. Even if u manage to get on the bus, u will be standing right next to de door. Since 27 is a single deck bus, they should increase the frequency mah. Even though de bus stop states de frequency for peak period is less den 5 mins bt sometimes u wait for 20 mins still no bus. Why? Becoz ppl from the previous stops alr have hard times trying to squeeze onto de alr packed bus of coz there will be delays. The worst delay this bus caused is 1 hr late for work. 5 buses and none stopped. I ended up having to take another bus then changed bus to get there or else i will reach my workplace maybe like 2 hrs late? When u just get off from work and u r exhausted alr, how would it feels when u see a bus coming bt u couldnt take it bcoz the bus doesnt even stop at ur stop. zzz. Compounding the delay, TPE is always so congested. I pity de ppl who are staying ard this area and working and studying ard that area like tp students, for eg tp students. If the government wans more ppl to switch to taking public transport, at least make it better lar. pissed*
June 8, 2008
I guess my jap obsession isnt going to stop any sooner. It's getting 'worse' and 'worse' or rather more and more intense. haha. Esp when i managed to find the jap movie that i have been looking for ages, llike those that are not screened in sg. 无伦如何, 我很骄傲也很庆幸自己是一名华人. 日语与韩语的来源, 无庸质疑, 与华语拥有着莫大的关系. 我相信不需要解释你也应该能看得出, 就像日语中的 'kanji' 与在韩国历史纪录里头出现的华文字体. 难道在初级学院不修读 LEP 真的那么可惜吗? 我好想念当时在中学所上的华文课. 为何那么疯狂地热爱华文, 其实我本身也不是很清楚. 或许原因就那么简单和干脆, 纯粹是因为我是个华人嘛!~ 韩语与日语已列入我喜爱的事物的名单里. 可是说到英文嘛, 我就不敢苟同了. 到底原因是什么呢, 我也不晓得.
For ytd's cls outing, the turnout rate was unexpectedly lower than what I expected. A group outing I think is a more suitable title. Nevertheless we still had fun. Playing frisbees, kayaking for the first time coz kanna psychoed, enjoying cocktails and calamari on siloso beach and finally a thai-style dinner at vivocity. Luckily i didnt get as wet as the others so i wasn't feeling as cold as they were when we stepped into vivo. hehe. We camwhored a little bit but with a camera with only less den 1/3 of the batt remaining. lol. It conked out even b4 we could even finish camwhoring. I shall go to sleep now coz i m super tired.
Korean lang 2 hours test in 3 weeks' time. Mug!
June 5, 2008
I am not really those kind of enthu supporters but i m really glad that Obama becomes the Democrats nominee and i hope that he will become the president of usa. I am not so sure how capable or competent john mccain is but i will still prefer Obama to be the one. haha. I feel that Clinton is a rather competent woman so maybe someday i hope to see both the democrats joining hands. Even since i became a channel 5 news freak ( dunno how i became one though), the presidential elections have always been the highlights of the news so its kind of hard to see and hear it and yet totally ignoring it. It will be kind of interesting to see an african-american president. I believe that he has the ability to make a change that the the countrymen can believe in. Okok i should stop with this news thgy. I m supposed to be 政治冷感 de like how i have always been since young.
Oh yar.. Another person i support. I have watched the later parts of 'wei wo du zun' and the person i support is '袁帅'. Regarding the female contestants side i dun really have someone that i really support. More of neutral towards everyone bah. I have kind of supported him at quite early stages. I m oso not sure y but he just has those kind of calm and coolness yet not unfriendly. haha. Maybe that's what makes him unique and perhaps charming. haha. I am also quite impressed with the thgs he say during '独尊45秒'. Something like if he is the sun, he would be the sunshine in winter. Just a little of it and it will warm ppl's heart. Oh yar, got one sat i was so qiao at compass point to buy gv tixs from axs station and then realise there is this 'u are the one' meeting session with the contestants that would be held in 15 mins time. I was quite curious so i stayed to watch lor. I know what it means when ppl always say 真人比较好看. haha. Some contestants that i dun really take note of are rather good-looking like M5. Of coz i m not like those frantic fans, whistling and screaming and holding up their idols' poster. I m more of a quiet onlooker. I m quite relieved that 袁帅 still looks as good in person as on the tv or perhaps better. He is still quite cute. Oops. His smile is quite captivating too. haha. I shall stop with it, otherwise some ppl will complain i fa-ing hua chi again.
This post is like rather random. Talking about the ppl that i support. Of coz, I support Akanishi jin and Yamapi too. My top 2 favourite jap actors-cum-singers. Utada hikaru and boa are my favourite singers. One is a superb singer and the other one is a well blend of dance and songs. I should control my jap obsession. haha. I also have my favourite chinese singer. She is '张韶涵'. I like her distinctive and unique voice. '曹格' is gradually becoming one of my favs too. lol. Banzai!
Super random post on a random day. Maybe bcoz tml is fri and den its weekends liaoo. I m an asian addicts. I dun get influenced by MacDomination that much right. haha.
Looking forward to my uni life!
June 3, 2008
Looking back all my years in school, this is like the first june holidays that dun make much difference coz u r still working, excluding the time when i was still a toddler. Mon - fri is still like mon - fri a week ago, a month ago. Lol. But i m not complaining. I like my job and the same mon - fri dun irks me. It's just that time flies so fast and in the future, june is no longer a holiday period for us. I m not the only one that is thinking that much right.
Hmm.. Am i really not normal? Coz whenever i tell someone i m perfectly normal, they will say somethg like, ' If you r normal, then who else is abnormal.' lol. I know it is meant as a joke nia la. But sometimes i just feel i m not very normal. I like to eat food that alot of ppl dun like. I like the taste of my food to be on the extreme side - very spicy, very sour, very bitter. Coz my way of thinking is dat if u just put a little might as well dun put. lol. I m not really considered as the typical gal next door. I can be quite girl sometimes but yet i can be quite man. I think i m considered quite strong among gals bah and i wun complain about stuffs being heavy and refusing to carry it. Though i might complain alittle when my nails break or chip off in the process. I like to defy the traditional perceptions that ppl hav too. Who says gals cant study engineering? Who says gals can only speak softly and to the extent that u have to 'act demure' even though ur true self is not like dat? When u find a joke is funny, just laugh. I just present my true self to ppl even if they say i m man or unglam or stuffs. I mean that's how u r what. Of coz u have to consider the situation or 场面 b4 u act. It's diff from being rude or impolite or trying to grab ppl attention. But my voice is kind of like born to be loud or perhaps influenced to be. One of bca interviewers actually told me that my voice is loud after the interview bt she added that hers is too. Perhaps not to make me feel so paiseh. Who says guys should pay for the meals all the time when they eat out with gals? Who says there are some food that is better for women not to touch? If u like it just eat it. We are living for our own sakes not for others'. But there is some characteristics of being a woman that i cant run away from: Shopping and being image-conscious. haha. I have to add that i m not a '死变态'. It has been quite a while since ppl call me that ler. All ppl have their own ways of handling things so I wun go and criticise how ppl live their lives. For me is just, be yourself. Simple. I guess i just have too much free time on my hands to actually crap so much. Stereotypes dun work for me:)
I think i m a problematic undergrad. Lol.
Appeal statusCurrent status :
Appeal received.
Last Appeal Received : 03 JUN 2008.
Last Mode of Appeal : EMAIL.
DA section as per request
[Jess/29mar08]. DOCUMENTS RECEIVED (2008-03-26
Take note of the 'on student's behalf'. I think i m a seriously very troublesome undergrad. Also got the delete DA section as per request.
Perhaps i should have just taken up the hip hop course held in src. Then it could probably be of some help when i wan to join the dance blast in nus. Lay some sort of foundation? But when that hip hop class started i had my hands full with my job (I just started my job at that time), my tennis and my going-to-start korean lessons.
My passion for korean stuffs are reviving and growing but doubt it will override my alr overwhelming interest in jap stuffs. No matter what, both rocks. Kpop and jpop rocks too. I m looking forward to the day when i can converse in korean with shan yan! haha.
To: Zenbu no otoko. Baka otoko, daikirai =p On behalf of my frens and partly for me too. hee.