November 29, 2007
Wa...i hate shopping for sdd stuffs...dunno it's soo tiring & not efficient nor fruitful.. walked almost whole of vivo bt dun find somethg v.suitable...either dey r too ex...or dun look nice on me...i dun wan to haf another tiring shopping haf to compromise jus buy somethg dat looks not bad can ler...& not v.prom kind de...i totally didn't care what de theme is when i bought it...when i reached hm i m lyk half-dead..i tink i dun haf much patience or's my fren 3rd shopping outing ler...& even though she stil din manage to buy anythg...she's stil okay wif i m despo ler though it's my first shoppin settle for somethg dat looks presentable can ler...stil left shoes havent buy...zzzz... maybe i shldn't go for sdd lor...
November 27, 2007
Tis year i got de i guess tis is de last yr where i can get edusave cz uni dun haf le be frank, i m quite proud of myself to be getting it since pri 1 every yr until nw.. bt it doesn't seem so for my parents... everytime i gt it...either dey say..' nw u gt money to buy de stuffs u wan dun nd to always gt money frm us' or somethg..or 'wad is de no. ar...wan to buy 4d' or 'even if ur studies gd oso no use..mus stay at hm do more housework'... i agree i m lazy n dun reali like doin housework except cooking... den sumtimes when i m stressed or in a bad mood..i will show some bad attitude.. den my dad will say 'if u study study until so stressed den dun study lar..nw i can go to ur sch n tell de principal dat u r quitting sch' or sumthg along dat line..actuali wad i nd is jus perhaps a few words of compliment or praise or somethg.. dat will make me feel happier.. i rmb in pri sch..whenever i join sports' day activity or sumthg..even if i won or doesnt really make a difference to them.. n even if in pri 6..when i got first for cross country gals.. naturally i will be q happy..n hope to share de happiness with dey dun really care that much..jus orh..ok lar not bad.. all these thgs may not b somethg worth marvelling sometimes wad i need is jus a little encouragement or motivation.. even when i was little..i dun rmb any pat on my head or sumthg saying stuffs like 'well done'...'keep it up'.. Also, monetary rewards, i agree may not be a gd way to encourage der is no harm in doing dat once in a while.. when i was young n wan abit of money to buy stuffs.. my dad will nag n nag.. luckily my mum is more willing to give me..i noe my family is not rich bt sometimes dey would rather spend on 4d.. dats y i told myself dat i must be independent & be able to support my own expenses when i m old enuf to find my own job.. i know sometimes i really splurge bt it's oni once in a reward myself.. one of de most tiring period dis yr is when i haf to cope with my studies, H3 lessons, SYF practices, Tks stuffs and my admin job...i noe it's abit siao lyk wad my frens i was tinking it's no harm to haf abit more allowance each in march i was alr totally mentally n physically i decided to quit at de end of de mth..since i was facing problems in my studies & more significantly my cca.. some stuffs i guess r better to be's no use dwelling on wad haf alr happened.. Bcz of this..whenever i borrowed money..i will definitely return it asap.. unless i really forget it at times.. cz i noe de money i haf is hard-earned so is de same for other's.. so i get pissed when ppl borrow & find various reasons saying dat dey dun haf money currently & a few mths ltr it's stil de i guess dat's called bad debts? bt money, as what my fren haf said..can hurt relationships at times.. so at times i wun dwell on money gone can be earned bt frens lost cannot be earned back easily.. so maybe bcz of that..i m always abit broke..
I was chatting wif my cousin online..i tink on sat's nite..den nw i started tinking of wad she makes sense somehow.. y shld i create frustrations or make myself troubled over somethg which i can do w/ may also be better w/o it at de current pt in time..let nature takes its course..thinking abt it doesnt mean it will solve it.. tryin to do somethg abt it may upset de balance dat it is having nw.. so just kp it lykdat..& there's nth wr0ng abt it..
But some thgs u stil haf to do somethg to resolve it..otherwise u will be at fault for causing misunderstanding.. so i guess i will haf to find a way..escaping frm it by not responding like what my frens say won't solve it & it's a bad i shall see... ...'s so late ler..i m supposed to slp earlier tonite to replenish de lack of slp last nite.. or else i may start to spout my mind's not functionin well nw..
Somethg nice:
November 26, 2007
I guess tdy's entry will be longer than usual will split into 2 entries..
Ytd nite went to stay over at nana's hse..i rch ltr den zr n yh cz my mum rch hm so late ate my dinner late..& gt gastric pain..den my mum were lyk late ler might as well stay at hm..y mus stay at fren's then it was fun lor..played diff kinds of games.. lyk mastermind(was q fun..nv played in a while ler..den realise i was q gd at it..oops..haha..), mahjong (bt not me n we dunno how to play), weiqi (taught them how to play though i m also not pro..haha..), scrabble ( played until de words can go in diff directions de.. we lyk shui bian lar..can, cards & de longest..pictionary... shld haf played it long ago when we dunno wad to play& randomly take games out n play..cant rmb played for how many hours ler..played til 5am..haha..n supposed to haf an outing in de same morning wor.. bt in de end cancel de kbox thgy since we r too tired to wake up dat early.. oh yar..& i haf to mention dat me n nana r shocked at yh & zr 's amazing telepathy while playing pictionary.. yh can draw somethg dat look lyk somethg out of earth..shan't comment on it..haha..i tink u could guess wad i mean.. yet zr can guess it.. for eg. a unicorn dat doesnt look lyk a unicorn.. 'photofinish' yh split de word up into photo n finish..for de finish's quite diff to draw.. so he drew a fish & a leg with an arrow pointed to de knee... & zr got it.. omg lar...lykdat oso can.. & aft playing..i concluded dat i m really bad at guessing.. guess my mind wasn't functioning..or i was jus bad at it..we also 'tou tou' drank alcohol in her room..& yh went abit high though initially he's having asthma symptoms.. his face was de most red.. & my face is de one which remained indifferent to de alcohol..not much chges.. dunno y also..i dun really drink alot of alcohol..maybe it's bcz of my weird skin staying over at ppl's hse is fun since i haf done it in a long time ler..
Then tdy went to watch enchanted movie..initially planned to watch at 2pm most probably bcz of me dey decided to play pool dey presume i would not be able to make it on time bah.. tis time pool playing was shorter den last not dat tiring.. & after playing..i come to a conclusion dat..pool is really not my cup of skills r lyk..erm..lousy..haha..abit cmi.. perhaps sports-like games r more suitable for me.. den went to watch de movie 'enchanted'.. de whole movie is like enveloped in a fairytale..sweet..fantasy-like..dreamy..& of coz nice! a movie v.v.worth watching.. de gals all think tis way den de guys say it's nice bt den not that nice to dat extent..& tink at some parts it's abit lame..well, i guess dat's de diff betw guys n gals way of thinking differs at times.. gals, generally immerse themselves in those fairytales, 'happily forever after' stuffs or fantasyland..while guys prefer to be more 'jiao ta shi ti'? After that went nydc to eat dinner & celebrate nana & zr bday at de same time..camwhore everybody esp those who stayover-ed were tired.. & not realli in de mood bah..i tink chiku was de most high.. was gg to istana park to continue it's abit late go hm & koon lor..
November 25, 2007
Ytd went to kbox...n dis one was set b4 i knew camwarriors gg kbox too... so if plan is unchged.. den i will be gg kbox again tml... during de seoul garden outing...i drank quite alot of tom yam soup & my throat was alr abit sore...after kbox outing...tdy my throat feels 'itchy'..what will happen tml... lose my voice? lol..
Ytd's kbox fun... went wif shanyan & agnes...& i finally gt de chance to know how it feels to stand on de sofa & get high...though it's only been my 2nd time gg..haha...nxt time i m gonna try jumpin on de sofa...jus like wad yl says... we went marina sq de kbox & we gt a room where we can see de ppl going down de escalator... bt i m q sure dat it's those kind of mirror where we can look out bt ppl cant look in... so i assured dem dat we can stand on de sofa & sing...but den hor...while we r ppl seem like looking in...some even like 'staring' for v.long & der r ppl laughing also...den we really tot ppl can see thru... luckily when we came out...we saw from de outside that it's jus a some ppl were jus looking into de mirror & admiring themselves? Oh & me agreed dat agnes has de potential to be a singer...she's really good...we haf to practise more...haha...
If tdy's plan is not gg to chg...den there will be an overnite stay tonite...den i will be consecutively gg out jus aft my i noe mon der is camwarrior's outing...tues most likely gg might be also... i tink i stil nd slp... haha... though i noe it wun be of any use in curing my 'deeply-rooted' dark eye rings...
I m selfish...
November 23, 2007
Tdy i watched de finale of another anime.. i knew he would die.. bt didn't expect he will die lykdat.. at least the anime gave a fuller & better rendition of de manga.. i guess ppl noe wad death note is all abt so i wun give de sypnosis for it.. i was v.sad when L died in epi 25.. & light was reali ...... making use of anyone he could make use of.. & kill them when he needed to.. however when he lost badly to Near & gt killed by Ryuk.. it was in fact not very enjoyable to c.. someone who had successfully manipulated almost everyone for 6 yrs w/o fail gt defeated..just like dat? And it was a bloody epi..with lots of gunshot.. on Light..& Mikami's suicide..someone helping Kira to make judgement..but bcz of his wrong move..caused Kira's defeat..So Mello x Near 's intelligence realli surpassed L 's ? Actually i tink there isnt any best way to end this anime.. if Kira didn't lose while Near had died.. people may start commentin stuffs like.. if L wasn't killed by Rem, L would haf won.. or some other stuffs.. & in this case..Kira lost.. & people commented stuffs like..'Kira is a good god..he shouldn't die' , 'ending is sucky', 'i wanted him to marry misa'..etc.. de ending left me feeling... empty... bt it's awesome.. well, better den de movie.. which wasn't complete.. and de cast playing Light should haf been a better & more suitable candidate.. hmm.. going to slp ler since i m gg out tml after tdy's filling & tiring outing.. ate alot & walked alot.. lol.. Oyasumi!
November 22, 2007
Actualli dunno y..i dun feel de sort of excitement & happiness dat i expected to feel.. maybe cz my last pp wasn't well done..or bcz i m too tired to even feel excited.. bt no matter wad.. It's OVER! lalala.. so i haf time to watch all my anime & drama series.. & first outing aft A is tml! Shall stuff myself aft utilising too much of my brain.. Seoul garden clique outing! haha.. so our clique now consists of 7 ppl? lol.. shall get back to my anime...
November 15, 2007
3 more papers to go...2 mcq n 1 full paper...i bet some ppl are relaxing i cant.. esp when i noe some ppl haf finished studying h3 ler..omg.. anyway jus 1 wk more to go...
Tdy i watched yukan club ep4.. it was meant to be a tis epi is abt dolls..not very scary though bt rather disturbing..n i can't really stand watching horror stuff..esp when de doll is floating n headless.. n de spirit in it wans to tk ppl to her world.. i will nv wan to collect dolls anymore.. i wasn't interested in tis kind of stuff anyway.. shr - there's a doll in ur hse ur room......
Jus nw i saw somethg so i decided to add tis down in my post...i dunno somehow i tink i m cursed? Most of the time i will study in my bro's room.. cz my bro will be using de comp in my room.. Every time i m tired from studying..i will turn around n c de clock or rather the air-con controller's clock behind me.. it's not only once bt a few times ler..i think at least 10 times..
The time i saw was 4.44... den every time i c.. i will ask my bro is it bcz dat his air-con controller dun lyk me.. i haf nv seen 4.45 or 4.43 lor..wer gt every time so coincidental de.. den my bro say..nvm jus means dat u haf one less day to live everytime u c dat.. 1 less day only nia.. doesn't make alot of diff.. stil curse me lor:( den jus nw i was doin other stuff n decide to use de comp..n saw 4.44 on my comp's clock..hais..i wonder how many days i haf lost liao..
November 7, 2007
Random as usual......
I was watching yukan club and i came across comments ppl comparing the series with hana kimi...was tinking y ppl was comparin a jap with a taiwan series...n aft checking, i realise jap version one was out alr...this yr july...i alr knew the storyline ler...was pondering if to watch it...den i saw de female lead is lead in nobuta wo produce...i really hope to see her act again cz she has done a great job in then dunno if i would be sian plot should be ard de same...though i tink both versions will portray it differently... But i want to watch other shows too... sticking to jdorama makes me kind of miss kdramas...though i m watchin goong s on tv currently...
i want to watch coffee prince! i noe y ppl will become '宅男' there's alot of thgs u can do even if u stay at home..not forgetting my animes~ i hope i wun end up becoming like that... it would be nice if one day haf more than 24 hrs...not only haf more time to play...perhaps more time to study too...
November 3, 2007
I randomly came across this nice pic...haha...

Watched tis anime long ago...n was one of my favs! lol...nice comedy...shall give a short synopsis den...
Fujioka Haruhi is a common girl who's independent, smart, and witty. She earns a scholarship to Ouran Academy, a private high school catering to students from wealthy families. Unable to afford a proper school uniform, she constantly wears a polo shirt, long slacks and a vest which resembles the male uniform causing other students to mistake her for a male.
One day, she enters the room of the Host Club, a group of six attractive male students who entertain female students for profit. She accidentally breaks a vase worth 8 million yen, and is forced to work at the Host Club as compensation for the vase.
Haruhi becomes the 7th official member of the host club and is ordered to gather 100 guests as payment for her debts.
November 2, 2007
Hmm...started watching another anime besides myself:yourself which is a love-romance de... dis anime de demography ( checked from wikipedia) is shoujo...means that de anime is meant for gals...n i tink i should watch more shoujo anime...i haf watched alot of shounen de n even seinen de...ltr i become more man den how...i haf only started noticin de demography recently b4 i watch any anime...some anime i found them v.nice bt my bro stopped watchin in de middle...den wen i checked...i noe y's shoujo de...i tink dey r categorised this way bcz it focuses more of the gal's emotions lovely complex...or either it is v.flowery or girly like...oh new anime i m watchin is called 'shugo chara!'...n de genre is magical's reali those kawaii type de...haha...i think de last of this type of anime i watched is cardcaptor sakura... de funny thg is that... my bro watches it too... he watch almost all kinds recently he is more hooked on 'harem' de...which i m not interested at all... n de demography obviously is shounen...i mean all gals fall in love with a guy...if it's not meant for guys de..den who isit meant for? lol....egs of shounen is lyk naruto, bleach, fma...i realise seinen( meant for 18-30 or above male audiences) de is actually quite nice leh... lyk trinity blood, elfen lied and all those stuffs...i think i jus watch most kinds bah...n recently gt a seinen one...intend to watch bah... is abt a student who can see n touch microbes...n i didn't noe that bacteria n fungi got emotions
*Add-on: After yl mentioned...i think i should include josei too...i didn't pay much attention to this i realised i actually gt watch drama of this genre...& to be frank...i watched shounen ai and yaoi of the most recent one is 'papa to kiss in the dark'... a shounen ai de...initially i tot it's incest k...somethg happening betw de 'papa' and the actually it's not his son bt is his sister's son...stil it's stil rather interesting n i saw comments lyk...'the guys are rather cute in this anime bt too bad they are all gay...' i havent mention a genre that i doubt i will watch at all...yuri..though it's more meant for guys my bro gave up halfway after watchin strawberry panic or sumthg...dunno y it doesnt interest me at all...though i always act 'les' n all this...
I'm still in the middle of 'A' leh...i dunno how come i stil gt mood to do other nth wrong with resting long as u dun slack too much...hmms...i wonder...exert self-control! JUST 3 more weeks nia...