October 20, 2007

Kenji Sakuragi is a poor lawyer and ex-motorcycle gang member looking for an opportunity to boost his career. His chance finally comes with the nearly bankrupt and notorious Ryuuzan High School, referred to as "baka gakkou" (stupid school) by some. There, he sets up a special class that aims to prepare five students to take and pass the entrance exam of
Todai (Tokyo University).
At the end...only 3 passed though...and there are actually 6 students in the special class...Yuusuke, Naomi, Hideki, Yoshino, Ichirou, Maki ...bt Naomi couldn't make it to the exam bcz her mum was unconscious in the hospital the day b4 and her mum nearly hurt herself when she fainted at the stairs bt luckily saved by Yuusuke...n Yuusuke who hurt his right hand and have to be bandaged when saving the mum bt then he made it to Todai...Ichirou who ate the sandwiches that his jealous twin gave...his younger twin keep sayin his older bro was too stupid to tk de exams...n he too was fighting for admission into todai...since he didn't consider his bro as a worthy opponent... y did he wan to poison him n cause him to haf stomachache on the day of exams..bt den the 'stupid' bro passed n de hao lian bro didnt...he deserve it...Yoshino made it too...of course i would haf hoped everyone to pass...n i really dun lyk de 'eventful' day jus b4 exams...too much bad stuffs happening ler.... I dunno how the scriptwriter choose who not to make it...i mean lyk v.random choose a few ppl not to make it thru to todai...n teppei (Hideki)
didn't make it...nvm at least yamap( yuusuke) made it...maki didn't make it too...It's lyk those who have unlucky thgs happening on them will make it..abit weird ar...
Actually the show i miss more is nobuta wo produce...feel lyk re-watching...bt i tink re-watchin is a waste of time...n i saw on the webby gt ppl re-watch 6 times...bt everytime i hear the ost...it reminds me of the warm n true friendship btw nobuta, akira n shuji...n de days when nobuta were bullied...akira-shock! Kon kon~ weird language of akira...lol...
And i m watching midori no hibi...nice interesting n sweet story...but then abit impossible in reality...how can u become someone's right hand...lol...bt it's abit too much ecchi...i dunno y dey haf to include all those parts when they can do away with it w/o affecting the storyline...hais...
This story is about Sawamura Seiji, a chivalrous, though delinquent, high school student, who is popular among younger students. However, because of his bad reputation, he spends his youth without a girlfriend. His lonely life is thrown into upheavel when, all of a sudden, a girl appears in place of his right hand!
The girl's name is Kasugano Midori. She is very shy and has secretly been in love with Seiji for a long time. In the face of this strange circumstance, she keeps on believing in herself wholeheartedly as Seiji's right hand lover. As a consequence, Midori now lives together with Seiji and the two begin to live they're grotesque co-existence together in secrecy...
October 17, 2007
Life is soo boring with just studying...hais...bt dramas n animes nv fail to brighten up my days...hee...Somethg from dragon zakura...i learnt quite alot of thgs from the show...i didn't noe dat u can play ping pong while learning maths...lol...teppei n yamashita- san wa kawaii...I m at epi 9 le...jus 1 epi left...save it for tml...after that...i wan to watch yuukan club...just showed on 16/10 in jap...n subbed version is still not out yet...i think in the show...akanishi jin will still fight alot bah...like in gokusen 2...since it is a comedy revolving around six wealthy and popular high school students who solve mysteries and in their free time, amuse themselves lavishly...that's wad de synopsis says...
An exam is a dialogue with ourselves...Those around us are not our enemies...From the beginning to the end, it's a battle with ourselves... And...One of the important thgs in order to pass de exam is...The ability to use all ur strength to =read correctly...
October 11, 2007
I finally finished watching romeoxjuliet and lovely complex...eng fansub soo slow lar...hai me haf to go n find chinese de...bt chinese de actually not bad...
Romeoxjuliet: I knew de ending wun be those fairytales de...lyk live happily tgt ever after...bt at least they are tgt... 他们最终遵守了对彼此许下的诺言: "生也好...死也好...两个人永远在一起..." 他们的付出拯救了全世界...
戏剧中最后一句话: {纷争 增恨 悲伤 痛楚... 能让这一切结束之物 那就是爱... 爱一个人的喜悦... 这件事你们教会了我}
Lovely complex: Ahh...my fav anime ends le...sobsobx...otani to kozumi zutto issho... dis epi shows their graduation ceremony...soon i m gg to graduate too...it's soo saddening...大家都决定了各自的路 再过不久就要分道扬镳了...koizumi risa 对大家说的最后一句话: "在学校里留下了很多愉快的回忆...也有很多美好的相遇...但是今天也必须分别了...有人要道远方去了...也有人要分别了... Then she breaks the sad atmosphere by saying...好了...我们来叫三声万岁来结束吧..." haha...所以离别时要充满笑声哦! Banzai! kore kara mo zutto issho...
October 9, 2007

............In the end, the person turns out to be Aoi, Nobuta's "friend", who later on attempts suicide in a dream shared by Aoi, Nobuta, Akira, and Shūji.
In the final episode Shūji discovers that he and his family must move out of Tokyo because of his father's job and leave Nobuta to cope by herself with Akira. However, Akira follows Shūji to his new home town and surprises him by showing up at his new school. Nobuta is left alone in Tokyo, but she is not shy anymore, and is able to smile, and she also becomes somewhat popular among the other students.
Shuji: Everythg in this world is a game...Thinking u've lost...Giving up in the middle...is stupid..the one who lasts till the end enjoying the game is the winner...That's probably the rule of the world...
Even if u fall to the bottom, ur life won't end as life doesn't end easily...
You don't believe it because it's de truth..When u believe it, it becomes the truth... Just like draculas...if ppl stop believing it...they will disappear from this world...
Even if the whole world doesn't believe u...as long as there is one ppl who believe u...anythg else doesn't matter... :)
Tomodachi wa sudeki!
Wad should my next jdrama be? Dragon Zakura? One litre of tears?.......
I want to smile freely...to be unbounded by anythg...It's a blessing to be able to smile!
October 7, 2007
Tdy is a tiring day...yawn...dunno y at tis time i stil not aslp yet...supposed to mit at 10 at mrt station bt dunno hw delayed til 11+...& sum1 hor blurblur tot we gg hg plaza to play pool...n wore slippers n look abit like gg ba sha to mai cai...not i say de...is she say herself de...initialli wanted to go orchard de...bt in de end we shouldnt...cz ltr de gong shr paiseh...so decided to alight at dhoby c wad we can do...wanted to go n watch movie...bt nth dat we reali wanted to watch...n wen we pass de arcade we decided to go in n play stuffs like daytona basketball etc...bt we ended up playing those catcher machine wer u haf to spend tons of money to play...who would haf tot that we ended up addicted to the machine...initialli we jus tot of trying de machine since it's new to us...n didn't expect anythg from it...we took turns to try...& 1 lucky n random catch from shr n we got the JACKPOT...den we saw lights flashing n wa...dunno wads happening...aft a while de person came n open de machine to claim our prize...n we got a figurine frm 'the night b4 christmas' or isit aft christmas...cun rmb de name...so we decided to try agn n dis time we r allowed to choose somethg dat we like to put at the jackpot...so dat if we tio JP agn we will gt it...so i chose a bear...den at our second try or so aft getting our first JP...de blur shr tried agn...n de roulette thg stopped at JP agn! {i dunno how to describe the machine...u haf to grab sweets n put on the platform or plane n de more u accumulate de more it's likely to push other sweets down...if u r lucky...de sweets will hit the checker thg at the middle while dropping...n it will activate the roulette thg...der r 1,2,3 & the JP...of cz the higher no u gt de better it is...normally if ppl r not so lucky...dey will haf to slowly accumulate the no...n dat it will lyk gt thru stage A den B den C...i think there r 5 levels for each stage...if u gt 1 it means u gt 1 level up...n 3 means u gt 3 levels up...every stage sumthg will happen...lyk more sweets drop down...bt what we wan aren't sweets...i think de more we play de greedier we gt...if u gt JP...it means u dun haf to go thru the tedious process...n gt the major prize immed...haha} so i shall continue...n i gt my bearbear...haha...it's q unfair for 2 of us to gt somethg cz der r 3 of us...so we decide to try till all of us haf sumthg...but b4 that...de shop ppl came to check if der's somethg wrong wif the machine...face bu shuang le...lyk we did somethg wrong lykdat...dots...n dey add alot of bigbig stuff lyk wang wang n choco bar to make it more diff...so v.diff to pick up big stuff ma...dey dun nd to make it so obvious to prevent us from winning ma...yl chose a turtle...which comes in pair...this is the one that is real hard to get...we r not as lucky n din gt JP so we haf to go thru the tedious process...spent lyk siao on this 1...bt since we r alr on it...we couldn't gif up halfway rite... bcz of this machine...we keep chging notes to $1 coin...n de aunt say dat we sure noe how to xiang shou hor...i think spent lyk 50+...i think we abit siao bah...bt stil super fun...so in de end we each gt somethg...n shr was too broke to even buy lunch liao...dey still haf to treat me...oops...
We went to swensens...n ate yumyum stuff...bt de funny thg is that yl n shr totally 4gt that salt n chilli exist...n ate nearly all de fries w/o salt n chilli...i can imagine how bland isit...n i reminded them when dey r gg to finish de food...i think we were still high over de JP...lol...
Aft dat was tinking wad to do...so was randomly walking ard...den saw a crowd outside ps n decided to join in...n it was DJs from 98.7fm hosting the show...wah...first there was rapping comp to choose de semi finalists...den challenge in terms of dancing to c hu gt the tixs to black eyed peas concert...n der reali was alot of talents ard there...den there was a look-alike or do-alike fergie contest...n guess wad...de 2 finalists were a 14 yr old westerner n a ard 9 or 10 yr old gal...bt de 14 yr old looks like 18 ler...cz de way she presents herself on stage is q mature...lastly a local duet...'sleek' came to sinf on stage...dey r actually not bad though it was de one time i heard abt them...so it somehow chg my view of local artistes...oh yar...b4 de show ended...de hosts told us that the contests for both categories are gg to be held at MOS nxt sat...n admission for 1st 500 is FREE! i reali wan to go sia...BUT i haf to study...zzzz....so sian 1/2 liao...
Aft reachin hm...rest for a while n set off to celebrate my ah gong lunar day...dat time i was lyk dying liao...v.tired...after filling my stomach to de brim...i tot can go hm liao...den my parents wan go supermkt...bt it's been a long while since de whole family haf gone 'shopping' tgt...dunno how many mths liao...so it's actualli q enjoyable...YAWN...buay ta han liao...how did i manage to chen until so late...
Finally...thks to those who wish me happy bday...my juniors my frens n relatives...n i haf to mention some1...yc who purposely wanted to be de last 1 to wish me...n she wished me on 2359...abit de weird lar...cz first time i heard of ppl doin dat...soo nites for nw....b4 i delete the wishes maybe i should mention de ppl hu wish me in seq bah...
Timeline: 5th oct -1030pm agnes 6th oct - 1200am zr.. yl.. shr.. xy.. st.. cy.. yh.. hq.. ks.. sy.. yt.. pam.. bel.. ky.. cheryl.. 11.59pm yc..7th oct - 1620 nana.. 8th oct - 512 hh.. & oso others who wished me b4hand...n my relatives during my ah gong bday..."Nobuta"
my good thg...my stupid thgs...knowing that someone who knows everythg abt me existing somewhere in the world is gd enough...
Nobuta Power~ Enter!
October 6, 2007
3rd oct: Thxs to nana, chiku n yh for celebrating jon and my bday...n i think it totally came as a surprise to jon cz i he didn't expect it at all bah...n happy bday in advance to jon too...hmm...bt dunno y he wish me belated happy bday...lol...
Ytd skit by the house comm is one of the highlight of farewell assembly...it's abit mean lar to suan CPM n other jcs...bt still, it was quite funny...& it's one of the nicest skit i have seen in vj for the past 1 yr+... & i will use de voucher to buy little prince bk since i nv read b4...cz last time i tot it's a kiddy book so didn't go n read...time realli flies & de farewell ass means that i m leavin vj soon...not mentioning 'A' lar...eewww...aft that went to body shop cz cy has 20% discount on her bday mth...i only wanted to spend like 20 bucks...in de end i spent NEARLY 60...broke liao still keeping buying...must exert self control nxt time...
I feel bad for giving all sorts of reason to reject ur offer...bt i just couldn't gif u false hope rite...
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to myself! i m 18 ler...
October 1, 2007
Shūji Kiritani (Kazuya Kamenashi) is a very popular high school boy whose girlfriend is Mariko Uehara (Erika Toda), the most popular girl in school. Despite his popularity among other students, he is relatively alone with Akira Kusano (Tomohisa Yamashita) as the only person he hangs out with, despite constantly claiming that he can't stand the other boy. One day, a very shy girl, Nobuko Kotani (Maki Horikita) comes to school and she instantly gets picked on by a few other girls for her shyness. Shūji and Akira then decide to "produce" her, or make her popular. They nickname her "Nobuta".
Of course, producing Nobuta is not an easy task, especially when a mysterious person is trying to ruin all of Shūji and Akira's efforts..................i shan't add the rest coz i havent finished watching it myself...
In one of the epi of 'nobuta wo produce' , there is an event "114" in the school when you can confess to the person that u like...& the reason of it being called 114 is that 114 means "I-i-yo" (I-i-yo ->114->"yes")...& it's the response that the 'challenger' would like to hear...& it will start counting down from day 114...But...only 1 person can do it each year...The challenger will stand beneath 2 pails which is connected to two strings that the person being confessed to is supposed to choose 1 & pull...If the person says "yeah, i like you too", den it's gd...Flower petals fall from above and everyone congratulates the couple...But if u r denied...water falls from above...However this time due to the some circumstances...nobuta, someone who is constantly picked on, is forced to confess to shuji...the one who is nobuta's producer...It's a test of the friendship of 'nobuta project team' as shuji for the fear of losing his popularity will most likely choose to pour water on her...Although nobuta doesn't mind shuji pouring water on her...akira keeps reminding shuji of the fact that once a heart is broken, it's not gonna recover that easily...though he ends up 'threatening' shuji, it's all for the best of nobuta being able to change herself...No matter how shuji acts that he doesn't care...he does and doing his 'maze' thg lots of time so that he will get the flower ans in the end...cz he liked the 'him' when he was with them w/o needing to put on a facade & act cool to be popular...
I wonder how would i feel if i was being poured water in front of everybody...anw i think jap is realli fun with all sorts of interesting events...n i like school festival too when they will come up with a theme n do wadever they wan to the classroom or to the sch!