Maybe it's bcz my bro put kingdom hearts pic as the wallpaper...i m suddenly reminded of it again..
An extract from it:
Thinking of you, wherever you are.
We pray for our sorrows to end,
and hope that our hearts will blend.
Now I will step forward to realise this wish.
There are many worlds,
but they share the same sky-
one sky, one destiny.
Just had my GP prelim today...& i m alr slacking off ler...aahhh...watched a few epis of wonderful life...shin-bi is soo cute...bt y does it haf to happen to her...she is only 5...it realli hurts to see her going thru all those dreadful tests...even though it's just a show...Though it's a spoiler, i m happy to know dat she didn't died in the end...wang sui! & i watched lovely complex 20 tdy...Koizumi, ur efforts haf really paid off...& i know i could never be as brave & daring as u...i might haf given up even aft the first try...or i wouldn't even try...coz i knew i couldn't face up to reality...It's comforting to know that somethg so reality yet so untrue happen though it is just a story...i will be contented if everythg just remain as it is...i seriously haf to get back to study liao...or else i will reali blame myself if i do badly...no computer & i wun slack off...
The dreadful days are approaching...& i shan't elaborate anymore abt it...i dun wan to count down to the first day also...i just nd to buck up...
I didn't mention abt ROD which is also 'Release Of Duty' or rather a dinner that happened on 11 Aug...Because i haf to leave early so i think i miss out some fun dat happened aft that...I met my frens at serangoon int to go tgt...and when i reach there...to my amazement...it's a barbecue & i thought it would be a half-formal dinner like last yr...so i went there wearing jean and top that over formal for it...hais...i hate the feeling of 'over-dressing' lor...& my fren was abit pissed too...we tot we alr reached quite late & there was quite few ppl when we reached...Ard 7+,there was some games like 'pass the parcel' that is quite fun...havent played that in a while ler...bt i was lucky didn't kanna...& watching the video inside de dark room...i didn't explain them to put our fotos up lar...eeew...lol...Then, i received a very cute bearbear wearing the ghee from my junior secretary lor...lol...so sweet...bt after dat haf to chiong off...i was supposed to leave at 9 bt i left at 930...so everythg was in a rush...After that, i went to my relatives' chalet...super big lar...& the chalet is abit diff from the others that i went for...There was an open space that is not sheltered in the middle of chalet & there was a stairway leading to 2 bedrooms so i thought it's another chalet alr...then i found out that whole place was ours...bt then, since it's relatives de...so got like my relatives' relatives there...everytime they are there...the place would become a 'gambling den'...bt did nth much also...& i found out that my bro actually helped my 15 yr old cousin to buy whiskey...omg lor...initialli i tot my cousin was realli sunburn after the NDP...since he was involved in it...he shouldnt haf done that...
Life is boring nowadays....study n study n study...zzz...& today's yh bday! Ate so much ice cream, pizza & chicken till full...Big thx to his dad for the nice & warm treatment...We seriously nd fun once in a while like this to relax...
一切在淡化了... ...
Tdy went to watch secret with nana, chiku and yh...& i must say...the movie is great lor! nice plot...nice scenery?...acting is not bad...& nice twist at the end..So i must say it's a must-watch unless u r really against chinese movies or jay chou or wad-so-ever...I have to applaud jay for his wonderful story & i think his acting skill should have improved though i didn't watch initial D...coz i heard alot of comments regarding his acting at that time...Initially i didn't pin high hopes on the movie when it first came out...coz it's directed and acted by jay chou? I was thinking...how good can de movie get? Then i heard alot of positive comments from friends...And well, it exceeded my expectations...lol...rather touching & sweet story...Shouldnt say too much abt the movie or else it will be a spoiler...
Also...Jiayou Jinshun is ending soon...like 2 more epis to go...The show that i have only missed 1 epi out of the 100+...This shows that once i start watching a drama...no matter what i can't miss any epi...A nice and heartwarming story abt jinshun...heartbreaking too...I have to admit that she has good acting skills...& she has to cry for most of the episodes...that makes ppl want to cry with her so this is the drama that makes me shed my tears the most...崎岖的道路, 坎坷的人生...看了真让人心酸...戏剧只会是一场戏...相信不会搬演在现实生活中...
OR3 & Tze Hern! National Day is over! That means my job as a bay ambassador is over too..though it's a sense of relief..i think i will miss the times i haf with my group..The laughing, crapping & suffering tgt under the hot sun...I really wan to thank them for all the efforts & hard work that they put in..& the memories all of us created as a group..OR3 will always be the group that rocks..From this activity, i grew to love Singapore more! Lol..
On the day of Preview at Starbucks!
(Left to Right) Shamsul, Jeremy, Filza, Kang Qi, Elhannal, Jaslyn, Nuraini, Me!
Me & my fellow leader, Geraldine!
I woke up today(Friday)...feeling happy and refreshed...coz i haf a nice dream de nite b4..One of the nicest dream i had in such a long while...Also the one that i know wouldn't happen..lol..梦永远只会是一场梦...和现实生活一点瓜葛都没有...但是我仍然抱有一丝的希望..难道我真的不可救药了吗? 一旦陷下去就无法自拔了...
Tml is national day...time realli flies...it's like not long ago since i joined NDP...i still rmb the first time i go for leader's training...n i was rather quiet and gong gong...& also lost my way...lol...Trainings have been fun...Being deployed on ground is also a whole new experience...And this would be a part of my memories...Knowing so many new friends and ppl from so various institutes...i realli enjoyed my time...though sometimes i feel realli exhausted and drained...I feel sorry for my group volunteer who has been dismissed because of some mishaps in her family and she couldn't turn up for 3 of the NE shows...Now i m trying my best to see if this decision could be withdrawn...Anyway...Happy 42th Birthday, Singapore!
Still, at the end of the day, i just can't give up...is it so bad if i hold onto just a little bit of hope? ~Lovely Complex~
Hais...There are some things that will make u bu shuang the more u think of it..it's not somethg that makes u angry though...A gd example is my name lar...My CT NEVER manages to spell my name correctly...even after i corrected him during the Connect-to..He spelled my name as Kay Huay and i corrected him...Dat 1 is still okay..cuz my teachers started spelling my name that way since pri sch...Then he passed me some H3 stuff...and that time was the worst-Kah Kuay...& it sounded realli awful la...became quite of a joke...De first time ever that ppl spell that way...Then ard a month later...q recently...he passed me some notes again...This time was Kay Huay...So in the end my frens put the wrong spelling tgt...So now my name is KAY KUAY..Try pronouncing it & u will know how funny it sounds...Sometimes i will think he purposely de lor...Although i know his English is not v.gd...bt can't be to this extent where he mixed up his spelling...lol...shuan le..It's quite entertaining though... If i had made the decision to chg it in p6 den all this wun have happened..