May 29, 2007

Haha..Just finished watching this cool, cute and funny love romance comedy movie..It is adapted from a manga..and i m currently watching the anime..I shall start by giving a short summary on it..
Lovely Complex is about two High School students Atsushi Otani (played by Koike) and Risa Koizumi (played by Fujisawa). Atsushi is really short, and Risa is very tall, and the two gradually become attracted to each other while coping with their respective height complexes.
If anyone of u out there is free or trying to find somethg worth ur time to this!! haha..another reason for watching this besides the nice plot is...Teppei Koike..though he's abit short (but in real life not as short as exaggerated in the movie..167cm instead of 159cm)..he's sooo cute lar..omg..for the whole movie i was like going.."honto ni kawaii ne!!!"
"You will realise ur destiny when you succeed to change urself...You will realise that ur destiny is just beside u..." These are the few quotes i rmb from the movie..and their spoken english is like abit hard to understand lar..i also learnt that height doesn't matter..It's more of how u feel for each other..haha..
It feels good to get over it..Just keep ur smile there and everything shall be fine..
May 26, 2007
Majestia is over..Time really flies lar..Syf is like over in a flash and now de final band concert is over too..not counting the performance as presentation band:) .. Actually i don't know how i should feel..Mixed feelings again..Perhaps relieved bcuz the exhausting band practices are finally over..the especially mentally n physically draining times are over..yet i feel a tinge of emptiness when i know that remaining school life is just mugging n gossiping anymore..Some moments in band are particularly precious..esp when all of us work tgt towards a common goal and seeing the results for ourselves..reaping from the hard work we put in..despite the struggling moments when i thought i couldn't take it anymore but i managed to sustain to the end until now with the encouragement dat all of u gave me..Life in band has been fun esp the camwhoring session..with heartfelt thanks to the cam warriors - nana, chiku, jon, yh, zr!!! oh yar..i forget to mention..the 6 of us each got a doggie as a majestia present..heehee..soo cute!
Also, I have stepped down from taekwondo..No more kicking and sparring in the evening..No more rushing to finish the tasks they assigned me..No more jumping between CCA..No more chionging for comp..No more training for pattern..BUT I m definitely going to miss all the special moments that everyone and everything in tkd gave to me..
Tdy is supposed to be navy open hse performance but yet i went for the training for bay ambassador leaders..Even b4 asking nana how it went..i alr knew it was definitely going to be fun..They boarded the ship and the wind was very strong..That's what she said..& in my mind i could imagine how cool it is..but sacrifices always have to be made..What can't we have everythg in life? Oops..i think i m kind of greedy..On the other hand, the training is fun too..except that i lost my way trying to get there and ended up reaching super late..The bonding and leadership games were fun and i got to know more people..and there are like 5 leaders from vjc ( including me)..soo cool lar..This shows that vj ppl r so i didn't noe there is soo much to learn to be a good usher until i came here..The lectures abit de boring lar..but throughout the whole thing..i noe my brain was gg to shut down anytime..soo tired lar..slept soo late the nite b4..bcz we were like playing cards, mahjong, looking through the presents..I really hope that there are more times like this..when we stayed over at fren's hse and had lots of fun..Oh yar..i managed to dig out someone's past too..i feel so kaypo lar..but nth wrong to be ba(1) gua(4) ma..
Mian qiang shi mei you xing fu de..The current me totally understands this principle..Knowing when to give up is a good thing..Knowing the truth makes up give up ur hope for good..
May 20, 2007
It's seems like how many million years since i last blogged..n finally blogger recovered.. This whole week is hectic though syf is over not long ago.. There have been alot of time clashes with my other CCA and H3, deciding which one to go is seriously causing me headache..I feel bad for sacrificing any 1 of them..
Anyway Majestia is coming up!! haha..we r playing Third Symphony which is like 40mins long..3rd movement is the best lar..a good piece to dunno whether i will cry after the piece or rather the concert..coz dis is like my last concert in vj..H mm..maybe it will depend on my extent of attachment to it..So for those who don't want to miss de cool vj concert where our syf piece Spartacus will be showcased too, pls go for it..25th may at VJ PT..
(Bt i doubt anyone will see dis anyway)
Today there is harmoc concert..ytd der is guitar ensemble ushering..including band prac days, everyday i have been reaching home so late ..i jus wanted a good it too much to ask for? frens kp saying my dark circles are soo deep and dark..i think i should end here ler..since i nd to sleep..Nites..
Things will never be the same again..I am willing to accept the reality..
May 12, 2007
I think there's somethg wrong wif blogger..i cant chg the font size, colour, everythg etc..hope that dis dunno-wad-problem get fixed..
Let's get back to the main reason for blogging..Yesterday is the SYF..AND we get GOLD WITH HONOURS! that time when we heard the woman announcing band no.9..Gold..(lag for a few seconds) den added with honours..all of us were like dynamite..exploded at nearly the same time..jumping hopping hugging crying screaming all happened at that point in time..when i heard the result..i just jumped from my seat like it was some kind of reflex action..didn't have time to ponder how to react..I didn't know i was crying until i felt tears streaming down my cheeks..didn't even have time to control unlike some ppl who forced back the tears just to bao chi xing xiang..haha..All of us were just overwhelmed with euphoria..we sang victorian anthem..shouted vj cheers over and over..
But i felt rather helpless when i knew nana lost her new phone..just before we went into the hall to hear the results..I think she left it in the toilet and i was the one who went with her..this wun have happened if i had the sudden urge at that time to ask her if she left anythg behind..
so when we went into the hall..i have some form of mixed feelings as in i don't how i should be feeling..excited or upset..
After that..all of us went to BEN & JERRY's..with the generous treat from the EXCO..It was my first time eating the ice cream there..It tasted GREAT!..Then we decided to go nydc to eat dinner..first time there also (hmm..i sound like a country bumpkin) and ended up taking photos with the soft toys there..i pity the lion bear gorilla for having to play along with our we went to the sky garden to...take lots of photos again! lol..did some really funny and idiotic stuffs there..bitching about and imitiating ppl..feel really mean lar..It was abt 10+pm by then..Rather exhausted and sleepy after all the screaming & camwhoring..
May 11, 2007
Omg..tdy is SYF..don't really know what to feel..But no matter ur best and the results doesnt matter..Jiayou..Go VJCSB! Being confident is important!
May 5, 2007
Have been feeling emo lately..i dunno why but i somehow believe my over-sensitivity might have contributed to all the uncertainties i m feeling..sometimes everything just feels meaningless..insecure..hopeless..useless..distrustful..hypocritical..
No matter how i m feeling at this moment in time..i noe one day everythg will been fine and obstacles and my uneasiness will soon go away..Because i have wonderful frens who have stayed by my side when i needed them..gave me advice when i felt lost..lend me a shoulder when sadness overwhelmed me..Because of u all..i was able to endure and survive through the ordeals and I really want to thank all of u for always being there for me..Suteki! peng you wang sui!
May 1, 2007
Fei Lun Hai~I think this photo is well-taken..haha..all of them look nice..Tdy is labour day so we should work harder thus we have band practice..sounds rather logical rite..haha..hmm..tdy's band prac is ok part when we are playing with lights off are quite i found out actually we don't realli need to rely on the score to play..bcoz the score is always there on the stand, we just glue our eyes to it without knowing that we may play better w/o it..& we must always play it so that our performance is visually engaging..also, now i have to push my tutorials n test n everythg aside until de syf day..this includes ponning my h3 lessons..hais..i kind of miss it..though sometimes i end up sleeping though de lectures..
After band practice, we went ECP n camwhore..though part of the time i was glued to my jap book..haha..actually i was planning to do tutorials and watch all the shows that i have we ended up being 'models' for some 'professional' photographer to take his artistic's a fun day and we went to eat yoshinoya for lunch-cum-dinner after i m feeling soo sleepy..zzz